Månadsbrevet för december publicerat

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Månadsbrevet för december publicerat

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December månads korta kommentar vill vi tillägna Riksbanken. Att stå fast och höja räntan till 0 % är ju ingen åtstramning, men väl ett steg i rätt riktning. Alltför långa perioder av ett alltför lågt pris på pengar har under ett flertal tillfällen under våra decennier i marknaderna ofelbart lett till att ekonomisk stabilitet har riskerats. Att en ekonomisk baksmälla hotar runt hörnet efter en nästan fem år lång period av minusränta är ingen vågad gissning. Marknadernas anpassning till en mindre gynnsam tillgång på krediter, dessutom till något högre räntor brukar i sådana här marknadslägen kunna bli abrupt. Räkna med högre volatilitet framöver.

Excaliburs resultat fortsatte att utvecklas väl under månaden, kopplat till stigande räntor framför allt på de svenska räntemarknaderna. Därtill drog fonden nytta av relativa positioner mellan marknaderna i Sverige visavi USA samt en fortsatt omvärdering av marknadens syn på den svenska samt den norska kronan som kom att förstärkas under månaden.

Excalibur avkastade +1,21 % i oktober, +0,57 % i november samt nu i december +0,66 %. Logga in med ditt lösenord och läs hela månadsbrevet för Excalibur, med marknadskommentarer, siffror och tankar framåt.

The fund Excalibur Fixed Income is managed by Excalibur Asset Management AB and is a so called special fund governed by the law (2013:561) on Alternative Investment Fund Managers. The fund is not covered by the provisions of the Council Directive of 20 December 1985 on the Coordination of Laws, Regulations and Administrative Provisions relating to Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) (85/611/EEC), as amended, (the ”UCITS Directive”).

This website is not intended, and should not be considered a recommendation by Excalibur Asset Management AB, that users of the website should purchase units in the fund managed by Excalibur Asset Management AB. Prospective purchasers should form their own opinion of any potential investment in the fund, taking into account the information contained in the information brochure, fund prospectus and fact sheets for Excalibur.

There is no guarantee that an investment in Excalibur Fixed Income will not lead to a loss. This is also the case even if there is a positive development in other parts of the financial markets. Historical development is no guarantee for future returns. Any means invested in the fund can appreciate as well as depreciate in value and there is no guarantee that the full invested value will be returned. The fund value may vary a lot due to the composition of the fund and the methods of portfolio management used.

Distribution of information in respect of funds managed by Excalibur Asset Management AB in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons that are contemplating to request such information are required by Excalibur Asset Management AB to inform themselves about and observe such restrictions.

The units of the fund in Excalibur Fixed Income may be marketed to both professional and non-professional investors in Sweden. Excalibur Asset Management AB also have the right to market Excalibur to professional investors in Finland, Luxembourg, Ireland, the Netherlands, Great Britain and Norway.

The units of the fund Excalibur Fixed Income, with its different share classes and feeder funds, have not been registered, and will not be registered, in accordance with any securities legislation in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia or elsewhere and may not be offered or sold to or within the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia or in any other country where such offer or sale would conflict with applicable laws or regulations. No information of any nature may be transmitted to parties in these countries except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of such applicable securities legislation. Nor may the units of Excalibur be offered or sold to persons in these countries except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of such applicable securities legislation.

No offering of units, as applicable, is or will be made to persons whose participation in Excalibur Fixed Income requires that further information brochures or prospectus are issued or that registration or other measures are taken in addition to those required under Swedish law. Excalibur Asset Management AB has no responsibility whatsoever for determining that an investment from outside Sweden is being made in accordance with the law of that country.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with information regarding Excalibur Fixed Income shall be settled in accordance with Swedish legislation exclusively by a Swedish court of law.

Except for certain information related to specific market conditions, the information on this website has been prepared in Swedish and translated into English only for the convenience of non-Swedish readers. In the event of any discrepancies between the Swedish and the English versions of the website, the Swedish version shall prevail.

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